
Prime Networks

20th place

3020 points


No breadcrumb left behind


Found all the red herrings in Breadcrumbs: The bakery strikes back


VSS King

Dev ops

Tricked the judges into getting this award.



Challenge Category Value Time
Lost script in intune package M365 Management 100
Ingest this GraphQL API DevOps 100
Breadcrumbs: The bakery strikes back Misc 150
Application keeps connecting to the wrong server Server Management 100
Files not accesible Server Management 100
Website no longer working Server Management 100
RADIUS Wi-Fi is not accepting new users Server Management 100
R2D2 deleted a user Server Management 100
Bitlocker key required but lost Workstation Management 100
Create a script to recover lost files from a VSS snapshot DevOps 100
Printer keeps spitting out garbage data Workstation Management 100
All contents in downloads folder gets deleted daily Workstation Management 100
Find the secret hidden in the CTF website Misc 50
Fix RAID0 configuration Workstation Management 100
Breadcrumbs: Attack of the Scones Misc 150
Create a chatbot Azure Management 100
Machine keeps rebooting Workstation Management 100
Stormtrooper Signup DevOps 100
Find the Rebel Scum DevOps 100
All users shortcuts dissapear M365 Management 100
Decode the secret DevOps 100
Storage account cannot be accessed Azure Management 100
Cannot connect to SQL Database at specific times Azure Management 100
Azure VM having internet issues Azure Management 100
Application can no longer access resources Azure Management 100
What name belongs to this resource Misc 100
Investigate the reason important emails are not being received. M365 Management 100
Important e-mail not received M365 Management 100
Leia reports incorrect signature in outlook M365 Management 100
Question 7 Knowledge Quiz 10
Question 6 Knowledge Quiz 10
Question 4 Knowledge Quiz 10
Question 3 Knowledge Quiz 10
Question 2 Knowledge Quiz 10